Forza Motorsport 3 director Dan Greenawalt is excited about Natal, and by the sound of it he's even come up with some ideas on how the 360 motion cam could transform the racing series.
"The thing that excites me the most is Natal. To me it all comes down to that core vision I pitched back in 2002 - turn gamers into car loves and car lovers into gamers," he told Xbox World 360 magazine. "What really excites me as a designer is that car passion.
"What gets me excited about Natal is getting people involved with cars - touching cars, opening doors, smashing cars, taking parts out, that visceral feeling of moving and playing inside a car," he said.
"Is that what Forza 4 is? I have no idea, but I'm excited about it because I can get the controller out of the way and get people even more excited about cars."
Of course Greenawalt isn't the first racing game designer to dream of controller-less driving; a version of Burnout has already been demoed to press running on Natal. Whether or not that setup would be comfortable for a full racer though, it remains to be seen.
Found on: computerandvideogames.com
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